
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

PDA Ligation w/ Update

Dylan is having surgery this afternoon to close his PDA. It's supposed to be relatively simple, but it's still surgery.

I know all of the risks but also have faith thy it'll be fine. The surgeon is really good and I am confident that he will do a good job.

Please keep Dylan in your thoughts. I will update when things are calm, but please do not take a few days silence to mean that anything is wrong.


Everything went really well.  Hopefully now he'll be able to get off the vent soon.


  1. T&P's for a smooth & successful surgery!

  2. I hope it all goes well!

  3. Keeping Dylan, you and Mr. GG in my thoughts! Your little man is a fighter and I'm sure he'll do just fine. Good luck!

  4. Will be praying for you guys and little baby Dylan!

  5. Sending prayers for baby Dylan that all goes well.

  6. Keeping Dylan in my thoughts and hope the surgery is over quick. Thinking of you...

  7. You are 100% in my thoughts. Good luck Dylan!

  8. Oh thank goodness. Dylan is one strong little kid! How are you?

  9. I just wanted to offer you some encouragement and support today. I’ve never commented on your blog before but have been following your journey since 2010 when I first got married and started trying to conceive. While I may not agree with the decisions that you have made, I do serve a God who loves us all equally regardless of our decisions and desires a personal relationship with us to help us through difficult times. I believe that is why he sent his son to die for us so that we can all be with him and allow him to carry our burdens =) I feel for you with everything that you have been going through with Dylan on top of reading negative comments and hateful things. I hope that those comments do not harden you and close you off.

    I saw that you said that you have faith that the PDA surgery would go well and I’m so glad to read your update that it did go well! God will hear your prayers and knows every tear that you have cried so stay strong!! I hope that this message isn’t taken the wrong way. I just want to offer you support and let you know that I’m praying for you and your little one.

  10. I am so glad the surgery went well. Mazel tov on his birth. So early. I'd love to follow the baby's blog. You did what you believed was the right thing. Don't let the haters get to you. You saved the child you could from the burning building (not to compare your uterus to a burning building!!!! LOL) Hopefully Dylan will continue to grow and thrive and come home soon!!!
