
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Baby Connect

Ok, that last post broke my blogging impasse and now I have to share something amazing.

Baby Connect

Let me go back for a second. When I started pumping, my sister recommended iBabylog. It's free, so I got it, but I didn't like it. I'm kind of a graphics snob and it was just ugly and not super easy to use. So I just logged all of my pumps in my notes. Yeah, not special at all.

Now that Dylan is home, I knew I needed an app to keep track of his feedings. I did a very small amount of research and narrowed it down to two apps: baby connect and some other one.

I bought it a few days ago for $4.99 and I'm seriously in love.

First, you can share the account with anyone who takes care of your LO. So Mr. GG bought it last night and instead of texting me in the MOTN how much D ate (he did this two nights ago and it really pissed me tired), he logged it straight in the app. But grandparents, nannies, anybody can use it.

Second, and probably most importantly, as soon as I click the app open, it tells me how long it's been since Dylan last ate (or last pump or last diaper change). I can never remember exactly when it was so this is amazing.

Third - it keeps track of just about anything you could imagine. I'm currently using feeding, pumping, diapers, immunizations, stats (i.e. height, weight), and activities. But it's got sleep, mood, a diary, pictures, lots of stuff.

You can even have the height and eight plotted on the growth curve.

This almost annoyed me because it went by D's actual age instead of his adjusted age which makes him so far below the growth chart, he'd be in Mexico. But in preferences, there is an option to chart by due date instead. Score!

Fourth - You can graph any data entered in multiple ways. I can look at number of feeds, total volume, average volume, and interval between feeds. I love data so I stare at this all day long to see if he's improving.

Baby Connect is not paying me to say any if this. But I think they should! : )

There are many more features that I didn't even mention, but just get it. I highly doubt you'll be disappointed.


  1. So I just saw this and was super pumped to see that it is available on the android as well!

  2. Love love love Baby Connect! I seriously don't know how people parent without it!

    1. It's also available on blackberry and web browser, if I remember right :)

  3. I LOVE BABY CONNECT! I wish I had it with my son - he was a 32 weeker and I exclusively pumped for him, and it would have been awesome. I use it now for my daughter, and I keep saying I'm going to stop logging because the information really isn't necessary anymore, but I just can't stop. I love a graph and chart.

    I keep meaning to comment on your blog because I've been reading for months, but I can never find the right words and I don't want to word vomit my own story all over your comments. Baby Connect brought me out of lurkdom. Ha! Congratulations on bringing Dylan home and you are doing great!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm glad Baby Connect forced you out of lurkdom : ).

  4. Wish they had this when I was dealing with this stuff!

  5. I hope everything is going well at home! xx

  6. Thanks for the recommendation - I had been toying with the idea of an app but didn't feel like researching them. I just downloaded yesterday :)

  7. commenting again from iclw! reading more of your blog :)
    this sounds so amazing! i will have to remember it for when baby G is due.
    i know dylan was premie so your feeding things were different, but im most intimidated and confused by feeding! i am a stay at home mom so ill be able to feed by the breast, but my husband is up a good 5 hours before me in the mornings and it would be amazing if he could feed little man with a bottle and have some time alone to bond with him! any advice?! i dont know when a mom can start to pump?
    but this app. yes. must have!
