
Friday, March 22, 2013


I haven't done ICLW in awhile, so many of the blogs are new to me and maybe I am to you too!

Here's a recap:
I struggled with infertility for nearly two years. Dh had low morphology, I'm not sure whether I had any issues or not but I always spotted before AF. We had one chemical pregnancy (natural cycle) in Sept '12. Then we did 3 rounds of Clomid + IUI, then IVF. I transferred 2 embryos and ended up with 4 babies! (1 embryo split into triplets). We reduced the pregnancy due to health concerns for the babies and myself.

Our singleton, Dylan, was born at 25 weeks, so no third trimester for us. We spent nearly 5 months in the NICU and have been home for 3 weeks. He is remarkably healthy, but has severe reflux and feeding is a major issue. He's currently in the 1st percentile for weight.

If you'd like to read about general infertility, go back to the beginning.

For chemical pregnancy, Sept '11.

For Clomid and IUI go to Dec '11.

For IVF, March '12.

For preemie, Oct '12.

And if you want to hear about being a first time mom if a micro preemie, stay right here!


  1. hi from iclw!
    my friend had two premies at 30 weeks (two pregnancies) and i remember visiting those little babes in the nicu often. its so amazing to see them come so far! another friend had twins at 27 weeks and just got to take her girls home. im so happy to hear that dylan is healthy! itll only get better from here! congrats to you!

  2. Hi from ICLW! Wow, I've never heard of an embryo splitting into triplets! I'm happy to hear that your baby is now home and is healthy. We did 4 rounds of failed IVF and are now pursuing embryo adoption.

  3. from ICLW - om my GOSH on your micro-preemie! I'm so happy that baby is home and healthy!

  4. I'm so thrilled that for this ICLW, Dylan is HOME. :)

  5. Hello from ICLW. Thanks for stopping by my blog. You must be so happy to have Dylan home from the hospital! Both of my daughters were in the NICU for a week and a half and that was hard, so I can only imagine that, while hard, it must be so nice to be normal. Congrats on the homecoming!

  6. Hi from ICLW...Congratulations on your son's birth and I'm glad to hear he is healthy and home! Best wishes with your continued journey with him!

  7. Happy ICLW! My twins were born at 30+4, so I know the road you are walking. Following along.

  8. Happy ICLW! I just spent the past hour or so going back through your old posts. You are one amazingly strong mama! Dylan is adorable, and I'm so glad he's finally home =)

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your candor. What you went through couldn't have been easy, and I'm sure other people's judgmental comments didn't help. Even so, I applaud you for being so open, both about the good/easy things and the bad/difficult. FWIW, I'm with you on the Single Embryo Transfer, and I love all the information you've put out there about it. I, too, felt like I should have done more research before transferring two embryos... We ended up with triplets (1 singleton, 2 identical), but were never faced with the decision to selectively reduce because my body did it naturally around 7 weeks. We ended up with 2 fraternal twins, and even then, the journey wasn't easy (I was on hospital bedrest for preterm labor from 25-36 weeks.) We will be starting IVF#2 shortly, and will DEFINITELY be doing a SET.

    Sorry for the novel ;) I look forward to following your journey from here on out!
