So I see that just two posts ago (last August) I wrote about the challenging beginning to our potty training journey. I hear my frustration back then, but what's funny is that I was only 3 or 4 weeks in! Nine months later, Dylan is still not "potty trained." Really. It's been a long and crazy road. We've had special meetings at school to discuss his progress or lack thereof since all kids who go there are supposed to be potty trained.
I've been sad, frustrated, elated, hopeful, and beyond embarrassed over these last 9 months. We've had recent days at school where there are 4 bags of dirty undies waiting for us outside the front door. It's like a walk of shame for me every day.
But this is a good week! Dylan has initiated his own poops 4 times this week (two of which were a little late, but close...) we had three days at school with no accidents at all! He gets really excited to tell everyone "I had no accidents!"
So like I've felt at other points, I feel close.
The hardest thing has been trying to keep the process positive for Dylan especially since he has a ton of different caregivers in his life. We've had to back off many many times. We do not make him sit ever unless we are about to go somewhere and it's been a very long time since he peed. (Pee has been mostly fine from the get go, although he did pee in the pantry just last week.)
I have no advice except to keep it positive on all ends, but I did want to share our journey. Besides the NICU, this is the absolute hardest parenting issue we've dealt with. Luckily he's basically just a joy and an easy kid in just about every other way.