August 2010 - Married! Fantastic honeymoon in Costa Rica. Stopped Loestrin BC after 11 years. (Age 30)
September - December 2010 - TTC naturally, trying to time off of cycle length. Cycles varying from 33-40 days. Wondering if the 40 was a chemical pregnancy. Also wondering if we're mistiming things.
January - February 2011 - Add Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor. Get lots of high days each month. Get a peak each month, but sometimes very late (like a week before period).
March - June 2011 - Read TCOYF; started charting BBT. Noticing a rise each month, but doesn't exactly correlate with CBEFM peak days. Probably mis-timed it a bit.
July 2011 - Had first official "infertility appt." Doc ordered Day 3 labs, semen analysis, and HSG. Said cycles were probably annovulatory (based only on length, did not look at my charts). Totally disagree with doctor. Frustrated. Result of labs normal for me, 4% morphology for Mr. GG. (Age 31)
September 2011 - BFP!!! So excited, but ended in chemical pregnancy 4 1/2 days later. Really upset. This was the perfect month. Did HSG later in month. (Mr. GG Age 42)
October 2011 - Tried to get Day 21 Progesterone test to deal with spotting. Unsuccessful doctor interactions led to major breakdown. Sad.
November 2011 - Met with RE. Decided on Clomid then possible IUI. Started 50mg Clomid, CD3-8. No major side effects.
December 2011 - RE appt. to check effects of Clomid, CD11. 3 follies: largest 24, smaller two around 17, lining 6mm. Got LH surge on CD14. Had IUI #1 on CD15. Day 21 Progesterone: 19. BFN.
Still December 2011 - Clomid Cycle 2. Still 50 mg. This time lining is only 5mm. So 6mg Estradiol CD11-14, Ovidrel trigger CD12 (New Year's Eve), IUI CD14.
January 2012 - Clomid Cycle 3. 50mg. 6mg Estrace CD 8-10. 7mm lining. 21, 17, 14 follies. Trigger CD11. IUI CD12.
February 2012 - BFN Clomid Cycle 3. Rest Cycle - no meds and re-evaluation with RE. Probable IVF as next step.
March 2012 - IVF#1. Redo Day 3 bloodwork. Get STD panel. Start Estrogen and Progesterone (in lieu of BC).
April 2012 - IVF#1. Baseline ultrasound - all clear! Start injections. 150 iu Bravelle, 75 iu Menopur. (Continue prenatal, baby aspirin, 4mg Folic Acid). Day 5: 13 follies ranging from 5mm to 11mm.
12 follicles retrieved, 9 mature. All 9 fertilize, but 1 never grows.
Transfer 2 blastocysts (5 day transfer) on April 26th. 2 blasts make it to freeze.
May 2012 - BFP 6dp5dt!
Beta #1 233 - 9dp5dt
Beta #2 1560 - 13dp5dt
Ultrasound #1 - OMG. There are 4 babies. 1 embryo split into identical triplets. The other is a singleton. Not prepared for this result!
I'm SO excited to see how the Clomid goes for you this month. I have everything crossed that this will be it!
ReplyDeleteI gave you an award :) Check it out on my blog...
ReplyDeleteOk, I just read this so my progesterone question is moot. :)