Tuesday, July 17, 2012

1 Baby

I have to write this post because you know what is going on and otherwise there would be a rather large hole in my commentary, but I'm not looking forward to it.

I'm going to keep it short and tell you some good news in it's own post right after.  That's my plan.

We had our reduction today.  I was extremely anxious leading up to it.  There are so many different emotions swirling around inside of me but beforehand they were primarily anxiety and a little sense of doing something "bad."  Now that it's over, the anxiety has been replaced by excitement and the bad by sad.  I'm sorry these are such simple words for such complex feelings, but it's the best I can do.  I am extremely relieved that this is over and I am ready to move on.

I could go into more detail, but I really don't want to.  But I will say that the procedure was pretty brief and not very painful.  If you have any specific questions, leave your email or your question in the comments and I will definitely give you more information.


  1. I am supportive of you Mrs. G! =) I'm glad that your anxiety is gone. Still praying for you and your precious baby. Thank you for sharing that the reduction happened today. I have been trying to keep up with your situation (however I've been having a hard time myself the past month.)

  2. I wondered if you would have posted about it. I was worried about how it would all go but glad to hear that you are safe and the procedure turned out the way it was supposed to. I don't know much about the procedure itself but I can only imagine it was intense.

  3. Happy and sad for you all at the same time today. I know you did what you feel is best. Get some rest and then start new and embrace your pregnancy and your baby.

  4. I'm glad you posted. Been thinking about you and was hoping that everything went well. Take the time you need to process all these complex emotions and to heal. Going through this process has been hard for you both and you'll need some time to heal. And remember that you are supported. Sending love and light.

  5. So glad to hear that you are doing okay and that the procedure went well. You are extremely brave and thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. It's been very enlightening. Congrats on your baby boy! :)

  6. I'm glad you posted this update. I was wondering how you are doing and how things are going. Happy to hear that everything went well. Hope you get to finally enjoy your pregnany a 100%. I wish you the best of luck.

  7. Glad you're okay and that it's over. Keep your chin up!!!

  8. I've been thinking about you. I am glad everything went well and that you and your little one are recovering.

  9. I can't imagine all the emotions you went through today. I am glad that you will be able to move forward and get excited about this pregnancy! Keep your chin up.

  10. I have been thinking about you, knowing this day was on the horizon very soon....I'm so glad that you can move ahead and have a "real" and normal pregnancy now, and get excited about your perfect healthy baby:)

  11. I have been thinking of you and I am sure there are so many mixed and complex emotions associated with this. Abiding with you on this and thank you so much for sharing your experience.

  12. I've been thinking about you a lot. I know I don't post here often, but I knew this day was coming up and wanted you to know that you've been in my thoughts. I'm very glad for you and your husband that you both can move forward and be excited! I'm excited for you!

  13. I rarely comment on blogs - but wanted to say that I'm excited for you, sad you had to suffer nastiness as you made (and bravely shared) a difficult decision, and hope it is sunshine and roses from here on out in your pregnancy!

  14. Big hugs and support from both of us. x

  15. I'm glad it was ok. I hope now you can start to enjoy the pregnancy !

  16. Although I know this must have been a really hard experience, I hope it now allows you to feel so much more excited about your pregnancy and really start enjoying the next few months. Massive hugs.

  17. Thank you for the update. You and the Mr. have been in my thoughts these last few weeks. I'm so glad things went well and that you are able to move forward. xoxo

  18. I'm glad the reduction went well. Now you can focus on the rest of your pregnancy without worrying about the risks of multiples!

  19. This is heartbreaking, but I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly.

  20. I am so glad this is over and hope you can put it behind you as best you can, knowing you made the decision that was best for everyone involved!!! Thinking of you!

  21. Glad to know everything well. The procedure as well as your mental state must have been really intense. Now you can be less anxious and concentrate on the pregnancy. Thanks for sharing. Take care and hugs!!

  22. I'm so glad to hear everything went well, Mrs. Green Grass. Sometimes the most intense emotions come out as words like "sad," but we know it's more complicated than that. Glad you're feeling a little relieved.

  23. I've been thinking of you. It's great to hear you are doing well and that the procedure wasn't so painful and went well. Wishing you the best in the rest of this pregnancy.

  24. You guys have been in my thoughts so much. So glad all went well and most of all that it is over. Thanks so much for your update :D

  25. Glad to hear this part is behind you. Wishing you all the best for the remainder of your pregnancy.

  26. Congrats! Cheers to looking forward and enjoying your pregnancy.
