Friday, October 5, 2012

My Water Broke...(Hospital Update - 25 weeks)

I've been starting posts over the last few days, but they just haven't been quite right and then I've been interrupted.  But I'm sure you're wondering how baby and I are doing!

We hit 25 weeks (in utero) which is a really huge milestone.  Much bigger than 24 in the NICU world.  His overall viability increased to 80%.

Starting Saturday night, my contractions got painful and they stayed that way up until yesterday.  They increased my Mag and gave me a bunch of Terbutaline shots, but nothing made them hurt less and nothing spaced them out further than 5 an hour.  I also found out that my cervix has continued to shorten from 3 cm when I came in, to about 1 a couple of a days ago.  I'm 1 cm dilated.

On Tuesday night, I was moved back from ante-partum to Labor and Delivery.  I was actually really pissed because it happened right after the nurse's shift change and I think she was just feeling "busy," not that I was changing.  So they moved me to a dungeon of a room (no windows) and tried to put me on a bed pan.  I almost had a panic attack thinking of the bed pan and almost refused altogether.  BUT...I follow authority and I tried it.  When I really couldn't do it (and it was really uncomfortable and probably increased my contractions), they let me use a bedside commode (like a portable toilet).

I expressed my frustration (mostly through tears) with every aspect of that evening and in the morning got bathroom privileges back and I got moved to a room with a window.  Yay.

You have no idea how much the small things, like a window, add when you are in the hospital for weeks at a time.  I also have a big wall calendar that visitors sign and we mark down the days and the milestones.  A little rolly-cart with random stuff and lots of plants and snacks and magazines from friends and family. When they make you move, they give you about a 10 minute notice.  Luckily, Mr. GG was there at the time to pack up all of my stuff in a way that I wouldn't freak out about.

*     *     *     *     *

But you probably want to hear how I am now.  Well...we got the contractions under control yesterday and I am SO much more comfortable.  But then, my friggin water broke.  I just went to the bathroom, came back, and felt more liquid than normal, that's it.  The doc confirmed 70% that it was my water, although I still have some left (it was probably a high leak).

So most people deliver within 48 hours of their water breaking.  But some can make it for quite awhile, most commonly, about 2 weeks.  The big risk factor now is infection, so I'm on new antibiotics.

I'm also still bleeding.  It seems like a lot to me, but the doctor is not extremely concerned at this point (until it becomes more).

So we sit tight until 1) I bleed too much and need baby out 2) baby's heart-rate drops 3) I show signs of infection (elevated temp, tender belly).

We had another consult with NICU to understand what things will look like after birth and although it was mostly information I expected or knew, the doc was super calm and comforting and just seemed like an awesome guy to have around my the preemies.  They also said that they already have a bed made up for Baby GG...and that hopefully it stays empty for awhile longer.  (Sidenote: a brand-spanking new NICU with private rooms that we can stay in with the baby is opening at the end of the month.)

*     *     *     *     *

Anyway...we've had a rough few days, but oddly enough, my water breaking was not the bad part.  I feel like baby could come very soon, but I'm definitely hanging on and being thankful for every day he stays put.


  1. Thinking of you and hoping he and your body hold on a little longer.

  2. Well crap! I am so glad you're where you need to be- a great hospital, good staff, and in good spirits. Seriously wishing you and baby GG the absolute best and my thoughts and prayers are with you for a LONG wait before delivery.

    (by the way, you are in SUCH a similar position to Endojourney right now- she's 23w5d and her water broke 2 days ago... still holding strong! She's not posting updates on her blog right now but I'm tweeting updates as I get them from her family )

    1. I've been following her...we should exchange emails! Let me know if she's interested. I think you have mine (or the blog one).

  3. You seem to be really positive right now which I'm sure is helping baby too. I am hoping and praying that baby boy stays put as long as he can, and then it seems like he will be in very, very good care. Thanks for the updating--I've been thinking about you!

  4. Oh my gosh. My heart is in my throat. This must be so hard for you and, like you've done throughout this pregnancy, you are proving to be such a strong woman. I wish that you didn't have to be though, and I'll be hoping for the best. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Take care.

  5. Sending major positive vibes your way! Hoping the little one stays put for much longer.

  6. Sending you and the baby lots of prayers. I hope your body holds onto him a little while longer and the new antibiotics keep all infection away!

  7. Keeping you guys in my thoughts!

  8. Wow - what a crazy chain of events! For what it's worth, you seem to be handling things as well as can be expected - I don't think I'd be doing as well! Will be praying that you stay infection-free and as stable as possible for as long as possible before the baby comes.

  9. Stay in her belly baby!!! Sending you lots of positive thoughts!

  10. Aw man! I am so glad you've gotten to 25 weeks and I hope you can make it as long as possible without infection. But...I can't wait to see photos of your little guy :).

  11. Keeping you in my prayers. C'mon Baby GG stay put a little longer for mommy. xoxo

  12. Hopefully baby green grass stays where he belongs for a little (or a lot!) Longer!

  13. Thinking of you guys. Hang in there - you are one tough lady. My doula said her water broke at (27?) weeks and she was put on hospital bed rest until 33 weeks! When they induced her. Apparently the water keeps replenishing? I hope that you are able to keep that little one in as long as possible. Either way, you are getting that baby :). Take care.

  14. Thinking of you during this time and hoping that Baby GG hangs out a little longer. Much love.

  15. Thinking of you and hoping he stays in there as long as he can!

  16. Sending you lots of sticky wishes that bub hangs around just a wee bit longer. The more time cooking, the better. Big hugs to you. x

  17. Cmon baby! Cook a little longer! Thinking of you sweetie!

  18. Thanks for keeping us updated. Sending positive thoughts your way.

  19. Sending every positive thought that baby GG stays put for as long as he can. Thinking of you all xox

  20. I ruptured at 26 weeks and delivered at 28w3d, so I can relate to what you're feeling (I imagine).

    Sending good thoughts your way. Keep on hanging on!

  21. Oh my. I'm so sorry you've had such a sucky few days. It sounds like other than the frequent moves and all that crap, though, you're being closely monitored and they're taking care of Baby GG. Hope he stays put a while longer. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  22. XOXOXO

    You and bebe are in my thoughts.

  23. You sound so calm and collected for being in this scary situation. I commend you for holding it together. I will keep you and baby GG in my thoughts and hope you both can hold out those two weeks you need. It sounds like you have some great professionals to get you through this.
    All the best my dear.
    Alissa (MissC)

  24. Other than the vein-blowing and the temporary windowless room, it sounds like you're in the perfect place with a great team taking care of you and Baby GG. Sending lots of wishes your way that he stays inside a little longer - the world doesn't mind waiting for you, baby boy!

  25. Hoping baby GG can hang in there as long as possible. Thinking of you...xoxo

  26. Praying for you and baby!!! Wow, you sound so strong! Praying baby is able to stay inside longer and that you are able to stay healthy!

  27. Oh, GG - praying for you! Hope that baby GG stays snug in there for awhile longer; every day is great progress! Stay positive - you're doing a fantastic job! Thinking about you!
