Friday, April 27, 2012

We made babies!

The fact that we conceived babies yesterday really blow my mind!  We've only conceived once that we've known about, but that only lasted 4 1/2 days.  Let's hope these babies make it a bit longer.

The embryologist called and 9 eggs were mature (that's exactly what I was expecting based on the number of follies that were 15 or larger on trigger day). 

She said that 9 fertilized...woo hoo!  But one is lagging behind so they separated it from it's brothers and sisters (Mr. GG is calling them chicks) and we'll see if it makes it until tomorrow.

I'm going to die waiting for their call each day.  Especially tomorrow!  I have no idea how many they are going to want to survive the night to call for a Day 5 transfer.  But I think it would have to be most of them.

Before she called I said to myself that I would be super ecstatic if she said more than 9.  Very happy if she said 9 or 8.  Ok with 7 and a little said at less than that (on down to potential devastation).  So Very Happy it is!  I like managing my expectations and emotions in this way...very helpful.


  1. Yay! This is great news. Congratulations!

    I love how you're managing your expectations. Very smart :) I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  2. nine out of twelve is awesome! congratulations!

  3. How exciting!!! 9 is an AMAZING number... what a great fertilization percentage! Grow babies grow!!

  4. I'll take Very Happy! Congrats! Take it easy and, yeah, for me waiting for those calls was one of the hardest parts!

  5. That's awesome! You've lots of embryos!! I hear you on managing expectations. I let myself get too hopeful last time and was disappointed at almost every turn, so my expectations have been wayyyy lower this time.

  6. That is such awesome news!!!! I am so excited for you! Yaaaaayyyyyy for the chicks!!!!!

  7. Great news! What a cool post. It is unbelievable to think about isn't it? Good luck to you!

    ICLW #74

  8. That's great news! Hoping for more very soon!

  9. Your eggs are definitely in stellar shape - 12 from 12 and 9 from 9? Awesome! (Though I'll admit, it's making me a bit sad over here with my crappy numbers.)

    Happy fertilising! xx

  10. YAY for babies!! Sending hugs to you and the chicks :)

  11. That's great news. Sending baby dust your way!
