I remember the Spring Break's of old. In Mexico primarily. 1 cruise. 1 broken finger. 1 ill-advised hook-up. (Out of 4 Spring Break's that's not too bad!) LOTS of Tequila shots.
I'm starting out break in style...going clubbing! Yeah, I'm a little surprised too. I'm not really feeling it (or attractive) but one of my best friends just got out of a 10 year relationship and I feel obligated to help her get out. Luckily all of my dresses fit...I just don't feel awesome in them. I think I'm going to go with the one with sleeves...
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But before I tell you about the rest of this break, I want to say thanks for a huge milestone. My blog went over 10,000 page views this week! Some of you old pros probably don't think that's a big deal, but personally, it's huge. I never would have thought back in September that I would have found such a great community through blogging. I knew almost nothing about it when I started. So thanks for sticking around and inspiring me to share my life's details! (It's really cut down on my Facebook posts!)
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Back to break...
Baby Shower #1 is tomorrow. (My IVF#1 success-friend.) Can I just say how much I hate Babies "R" Us? It's not just because the same 210 pack of diapers is $15 dollars cheaper next door at Target. (Seriously! How is that even legal?) And although I tried to look only ahead of me and block out any pregnant women or babies, that wasn't the biggest issue either. The worst part was the organization. It's impossible to find the stuff that's actually on the registry. And the registry is super picked over because she already had a family shower in her hometown. I challenge you to just try to find the "Blue" Boppy Cover. That's all it says, "blue." Well I saw tons of Boppy covers and none of them were just blue. F it. I'm going off-registry to get some cute stuff to open and then getting a gift card.
I can only stay at the shower for 2 hours anyway because DH and I are headed for a mini-break. (I don't really say "mini-break" I just felt inspired by Bridget Jones and it does fit.) We are going to spend 3 nights in Santa Barbara. I super excited!!! College me wasn't into wine-tasting and couldn't afford fancy hotels, but I think she would have approved.
Then will come the totally fun part of vacation. I promised Mr. GG to clean out and organize the office. I'll maybe take a before pic so you can all laugh at me. It's been our dumping zone since the wedding. I haven't been quite motivated to fix it because it will eventually become our nursery. But however soon that may be, the stuff needs out. And I will spend any leftover time grading papers and planning my units after break (like what to do before the AP Test! Aaaah!) What would college me say about this? Probably that I am old.
Posting will probably be light (or non-existent) until I get back on Tuesday.